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Lakeland High School

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling takes 2nd at Hemlock Invite; Al Freeji, Donnarruma, and Neumann all take 1st place in their weight class

3.0 months ago @ 12:34PM
Game Date
Dec 7, 2024

Saturday, December 7th, the Wrestling program competed in the Hemlock Wrestling Invite. Lakeland finished in 2nd place as a team. The following earned a top 4 finish in their respective weight class:

1st Place
113 Yousif Al-Freeji
132 Gino Donnarruma 
HWY Andre Neumann

2nd Place
106 Xavier Estrada
120 Caden Azzato
132 Anthony Bebaway
138 Jackson Rodgers 
144 Sam Broome
175 Johnathon Williams
190 Zack Sutherland

3rd Place
175 Chase Thompson

4th Place
120 Vivat Muddasani
150 Leyton Olson

This week, Lakeland travels to Madison Heights on Tuesday and Rochester Adams on Wednesday. The Varsity wrestlers will participate in the Oakland County Championship on Friday and Saturday while JV will travel to Ann Arbor Skyline. 
