We ARe Lakeland! go eagles!

Lakeland High School

Boys Varsity Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Boys Varsity Basketball cannot pull the upset over #1-ranked Orchard Lake St. Mary's; Eagles fall, 67-22

11.0 months ago @ 9:55AM
Game Date
Feb 28, 2024
EAGLESLakeland High School: 22
OPEN: 67

Last Wednesday, the Boys Varsity Basketball team had the daunting task of playing the #1-ranked team in the state, Orchard Lake St. Mary's.  Although it was the second game of the MHSAA District playoffs, when anything can happen on any given night, things did not go Lakeland's way, as the Eagles lost to the Eaglets, 67-22.

Junior Nsikan Usen had 12 points and 5 rebounds in the losing cause.  This night the biggest loss was losing our 4 seniors as their Lakeland playing career came to an end.  Drew Carlson, Zach Reppuhn, Noah Tiernan, and TJ Worswick will be missed in the program.  Their leadership skills are unmatched and left the program in a way better place than where it started.  They have led this team to an academic all state performance.  
